Module 3

Starting Analytics & Systematic Thinking™



For 4 months you’ll gain access to the highly rated Analytics Academy, Module 3, with 6 hours of on-demand videos in 7 classes that comprehensively defines analytics and dispels the misconceptions of digital transformation. Learn at your own pace from industry experts and return as many times as you want to revisit any class during the subscription period. Each class is rich in examples of success and failure along with best practices. The stylized Module is a combination of presentation and Q&A (amongst the presenter and moderator) that gives you the feeling you’re actually at the Academy.

  1. Eliminate & Automate to Gain Bandwidth (38m) – teaches that to enable analytics requires creating bandwidth, as all staff time is consumed in current reporting that is riddled with little used, little value, and unused reports. By eliminating these types of reports and automating others with Business Intelligence, data visualization, and even analytics tools, users gain bandwidth to launch analytics projects and explore their data with analytics tools.
  2. How to Start an Analytics Project (43m) – teaches the components of an analytics project, charting an analytics project, and an analytics project use case. The notion of “boiling the ocean” that the larger the analytics project the better is dispelled to start small then scale. The 5 components of an analytics projects are extensively reviewed of Problem Definition, Data, Analytics Insights, Insights to Action, and Solution Adoption.
  3. Starting Analytics Workshop (24m) – in this workshop several students across multiple companies put together their plans to start an analytics project in their companies. Learn how they would approach an analytics project from concept to justification to project plan.
  4. Systematic Thinking™ (1h 40m) – teaches this innovative method to the essence of an analytics project; i.e. what you’re trying to solve. Since you can’t get the right answer unless you have the right question, Systematic Thinking™ was created to enable users with a discipline to approach the “object” of the project and takes you through the methodology and several examples of the application of Systematic Thinking™.
  5. AI & ML Basics in Business (57m) – gives a high-level overview of the concept and difference of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). You’ll learn AI and ML are related but different along with their definitions as well as the mechanics of ML and several applications. This isn’t a data science class nor a class for ML programming but a class that orients about AI and ML so you’ll know what it is, how it can be used, and the value that can be obtained.
  6. Unbiased Forecasting (30m) – teaches the difference between biased and unbiased forecasting, with the former dependent on human “guesses” and the latter generated via statistical or AI methods. The class reviews several forecasting methods and provides a use case of statistical budgeting.
  7. Applications of AI-Enabled Analytics (1hr 14m) – reviews Module 1, Class 6 for those students that didn’t subscribe to Module 1. This important class explores some of the many applications of AI-Enabled analytics across finance, sales, and operations as well as dispels the misconception of data visualization as analytics. Statistical and AI forecasting is extensively explored.