Module 1

Roadmap to an Analytics Powerhouse



For 4 months you’ll gain access to the highly rated Analytics Academy, Module 1, with 6.4 hours of on-demand videos in 8 classes that comprehensively defines analytics and dispels the misconceptions of digital transformation. Learn at your own pace from industry experts and return as many times as you want to revisit any class during the subscription period. Each class is rich in examples of success and failure along with best practices. The stylized Module is a combination of presentation and Q&A (amongst the presenter and moderator) that gives you the feeling you’re actually at the Academy.

  1. Orientation & Transformation (1hr 4m) – digital transformation is more than an analytics tool, but a culture of making unbiased data driven decisions with analytics. You’ll learn the roles of business partnering along with the capabilities ladder of analytics and the value creation. Master the three I’s of Insight, Influence, and Impact to tell the business something it does not know with Insight that Influence decisions and Impact strategic direction.
  2. Roadmap (30m) – crystallizes and teaches the four components of an analytics culture of Mindset, People, Process, and Systems as well as the personas of an analytics culture of Reporter, Commentator, Advisor, and Strategist. These concepts are then assembled into a Roadmap that depicts “How To” implement an analytics culture.
  3. Mindset (43m) – dives into the four personas related to decision-making of Support, Contribute, Influence, and Impact and describes the capabilities ladder with each persona to go from average to worldclass.
  4. People (43m) – teaches the skills, characteristics, and training matrix for each persona and what is needed to build an environment for people’s success toward digital transformation.
  5. Process (1hr) – encompasses two concepts of Data Governance and Decision Governance, with each requiring written processes to assure continuity. The former teaches that good data is everyone’s job and not an IT-only job, and the fastest path to clean data is by using data in analytics projects. The latter governance is novel and teaches that analytics must be incorporated in the decision process if it is to affect decision-making.
  6. Systems (46m) – is a wide-ranging examination from reporting to analytics, starting with the need to go beyond Excel, then venturing to distinguish between tools of data visualization and analytics, followed by the strengths, weaknesses, and applications of those tools, as well as best practices and introduces the concept of Systematic Intelligence™ to explore data to find insights.
  7. Applications of AI-Enabled Analytics (1hr) – explores some of the many applications of AI-Enabled analytics across finance, sales, and operations as well as dispels the misconception of data visualization as analytics. Statistical and AI forecasting is extensively explored.
  8. Analytics Use Case Study (40m) – is an enlightening review of an analytics Proof-Of-Concept (POC) with a restaurant chain that wanted to move decision-making from “gut” to data driven. The POC was highly successful but wasn’t implemented because a misalignment of Mindset between the operating executive and the CEO. The POC was broadly applied across operations and quantified the ROI per store.